Dec 30thru - Jan 9 San Pedro round trip Mexico Cruise
Emerald Princess.

Itinerary and Overview

Emerald Princess

Club Class Minisuite - Stateroom, D411

Mexico Itinerary
    TueDepart San Pedro - 4pm
    WedAt Sea
    ThuCabo San Lucas overnight - 1PM
    FriCabo San Lucas - Depart 5PM
    SatLa Paz - 8AM to 5PM
    SunLoreto 7am to 5pm
    MonAt Sea
    TuePuerto Vallarta - 8AM to 5PM
    WedAt Sea
    ThuAt sea
    FriHome to San Pedro 6:15am
A ten day cruise over New Years.
This is our annual cruise we look forward to every year. Looks like just Marsha and I this time.
Since we have been to all of these ports multiple times we plan on a very relaxing cruise.