Roll Control Installation on a 1996 Corvette |
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I decided to install a Hurst Roll Control in my 1996 Corvette. The actual install was very short, but I spent hours
looking for where to install it as well as back and forth to the parts store for the proper brake line connectors.
My install calls for no cutting of any stock lines. You disconnect the brake line for the front brakes, marked F, from the master
cylinder. You then run a new line to the Hurst Roll control and a 2nd line from the roll control to the disconnected brake line.
I found a spot to mount it just underneath the ECM. You can see this clearly on the next page. I got power from the accessory connectors in the center console
and only had to run one line into the cabin.
Hopefully this will save someone else the hours of looking for parts and mounting place.
A special thanks to Theo and Bill for their help on this project.
Below are all the parts you will need except electrical. Wires, splice connectors, etc...
Hurst Roll Control Packaging |
Hurst Roll Control Parts |
![RollControl](rollcontrol.jpg) |
![RollControl Parts](rcparts.jpg) |
Master Cylinder to RC - 12inches |
RC to Brake Line - 10 inches |
![Master Cylinder to RollControl](mctorc.jpg) |
![RollControl to Brake Line](rctoline.jpg) |
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